Feb 032016

As system developers, we always love talking shop. In the technology industry there are seemingly endless ways to get things done. Since we work in a general IT shop, we work on many platforms including Windows, OS X, portables, Linux and embedded systems.

The constant challenge is to learn (and remember) all the individual tools you need to develop solutions for each platform. At ICAL we use a product called XOJO to do a lot of our cross platform development. It is one of the few truly cross-platform tool sets.

Toward the end of January we were invited to discuss XOJO with the people who produce it. ICAL, Tom and Arthur (not to be confused with Tom and Ray) spoke with XOJO Inc’s Paul Lefebvre about enterprise solutions using XOJO.

We’re not radio jocks, but it is an interesting topic for technology consumers/developers. The rest of you non-techies with sleep disorders may also find it helpful.

Check it out: XojoTalk 21 (Enterprise Consulting)

 Posted by at 5:23 pm

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