How we do IT

Yes, the capital "IT" is a shameless play on words, but both 'it' and 'IT' really do apply. We don't just solve Information technology problems. We do have to resolve it, make it work better, and fix it.

'IT' just happens to be one of our main tools. Our customers need things to work. They don't care if the answer is new technology, training or a pencil. They need it to work.

we take time to understand your business

Our job, while usually technology driven, is ultimately to make business work better. As as a result, we spend time getting to know a business, understand its problems, and build solutions to those problems.

There are three basic tool sets ICAL uses:

  • Business Analysis & Design
  • Infrastructure Evaluation
  • System Development & Integration

Business Analysis & Design - sets the stage for everything to follow. It may be detailed and formal or simple chalk talk. Our analysis and design includes: company priorities, expected life of the system, activity level, storage requirements, reporting needs, impact on the company, and level of service required. (design)

Infrastructure Evaluation - means defining all the supporting resources that are needed to make a system work. After a solution has been logically designed and purchased or developed, it still needs to exist somewhere. These needs may include: local servers, database engines, networks and firewalls. (infrastructure services)

System Development & Integration - is the implementation of the solution. This takes the product of the Analysis & Design and Infrastructure Evaluation and implements the solution. This means building out any infrastructure changes, software (development or bridging), installing any purchased software and making any configuration required to connect the pieces.

This process can be fairly simple or a lot more involved than presented here depending on the difficulty and dependencies of a particular project. The common thread for all of our customer projects is that we will help you through the whole process.

We don't just sell hardware or software or represent a particular product set. We work to make sure that your whole solution works, and we stay with you if you need help later on. (contact us)

Marinoni Printing Press   (site illustrations)

Marinoni Printing Press

proven technology solutions for business since 1993