System Design & Analysis

Good computer system development is analogous to architecting a building. Someone gets a vision. It is designed, reviewed and built to plan. If everyone has done his job correctly, the finished structure is flexible and stands the test of time.

technology failures stem from poor design

Ninety percent of major technology system failures stem from poor planning and design. This problem is amplified by a tendency of people to start building before they have finished the design.

ICAL spends a great deal of time doing design as a precursor to developing systems. We have many years of experience taking raw ideas and shaping them into workable designs. We deliver quality analysis and designs for a wide variety of applications.

good design can be formal or informal

We work with many types of people and are used to designing systems with either very formal or very informal design processes.

We have completed system designs with approaches ranging from simple drawings to formalized and complex.

We have designed customer solutions based on:

Our goal is always to best serve the customer by using the best design approach for them.  (call us)


Hydraulics Diagram   (site illustrations)

Hydraulics Diagram

proven technology solutions for business since 1993